Hi Ish,
At 23:26 29-05-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>Indeed the case was an opportunity for people to
>learn about "privacy vs technology" in
>Mauritius. I expected groups to discuss more in
>that sense rather than painting the whole subject with politics.
The question now is whether we could discuss
about privacy and technology if it is related to the internet in Mauritius.
As an example, there is the following the requirement [1]:
"doivent en plus se munir d’un document de preuve de résidence (Proof
of Residency) disponible à l’école et certifié par la police de leur
localité, confirmant leur lieu de résidence"
Can this be done online?
S. Moonesamy
Received on Wed Jun 03 2015 - 09:51:22 PST