Hello SM,
On 28 May 2015 at 14:57, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Nadim,
> At 02:29 28-05-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>> +1. As a user, yes, it is always good to get stuffs for free.
> As a user I do not like to get stuff for free. Competition is to the
> advantage of the consumer. Let's say that a company provides a service for
> free. The competitors selling a similar service are driven out of
> business. The company decides to set the price for the service. Will the
> consumer would not be able to do anything about that?
I have to agree with you on this.
Why Facebook has partnered with Orange only? Is it not disadvantageous for
>> Emtel? Tomorrow Orange decides to give zero-rating service on another
>> service (for FTTH users). Will it benefit Emtel, MTML, and others?
> Please see
> https://www.emtel.com/img/files/MU%20emtel%20Press%20Release.pdf
> Why has Manchester United partnered with Emtel only?
Some service/content provider are having joint-market agreement with one of
the ISPs / telcos / cellular operators. I think that sooner others will
> At 02:59 28-05-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>> How? Who to contact?
> You could try to email contact_at_orange.mu
> Not only startups. Maybe existing entrepreneurs / companies / firms also.
>> For example what if the government decides that all telcos and ISPs SHOULD
>> provide zero-rating service for MBC's website and contents (audio & video).
>> Do you think we can get private TVs / radios? Will it be easy for them to
>> survive?
> During a Microsoft Azure presentation I asked why university students or
> small businesses were not taking up the offers which they given; I don't
> recall exactly what I asked. The response was that there is a lack of
> entrepreneurship.
> Which entrepreneur or company in Mauritius depend on internet access for
> its business?
Tour operators? Hotels? But I don't think Mauritians access their websites
as do tourists, etc...
MariDeal.mu? ShopOnline.mu? Recently we saw Tropicalmiss.com. There may be
> There is a press group which has an annual revenue of three hundred
> million rupees. It is up to the private radio stations to see whether
> zero-rating will affect their revenue.
Forget about the existing ones. What if someone wanted to start an internet
radio/TV and MBC's radio/TV are provided as zero-rating service?
Best regards,
Nadim Attari
Received on Thu May 28 2015 - 15:54:08 PST