Re: Orange & Facebook

From: Mohammad Nadim <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:41:28 +0400

Hello Cédric,

On 28 May 2015 at 14:30, Cédric Poottaren <> wrote:

> Hello Nadim,
> According to a post on their Facebook page it's stated that you won't have
> to be subscribe to one of their internet package to get free facebook.
> Facebook will be free for anyone, with or without subscription.
> I don't know kind of strategy is behind this but I wouldn't be surprised
> to see Emtel to something similar in the future.

Orange do it or Emtel, or MTML, or anyone. I don't want zero-rating
services. Except perhaps if I get zero-rating service for and all
websites from governmental agencies.

Whether Orange or Emtel or MTML or any other telcos/ISPs do it, it will
always be a disadvantage to other similar businesses (NextDoor, FamilyWall,

Let's take a *hypothetical example*. Tomorrow you launch MDN (Mauritian
Developers' Network) which is on Reddit or GoogleGroups. Some days later
Orange decide to provide MSCC ( as a zero-rating service to all.
Do you think MDN has advantage over MSCC or it's the other way round? What
if I do not want MSCC and want MDN? Should I pay to access MDN while I can
access MSCC for free?

Best regards,
Nadim Attari
Received on Thu May 28 2015 - 10:41:44 PST

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