Re: Orange & Facebook

From: Mohammad Nadim <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 13:29:19 +0400

Hello Ish,

On 28 May 2015 at 12:44, Ish Sookun <> wrote:

> Hi Nadim,
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Mohammad Nadim <>
> wrote:
>> 1. Do you think this is a good thing?
>> 2. Why is Orange choosing what should be free and what not for us?
>> 3. Can we call this free service from Orange a "zero-rating[3][4]"
>> service (joint market agreement)?
>> 4. What if I want zero-rating service for another app (e.g.
>> FamilyWall, or Twitter, etc), rather than Facebook?
>> 5. Who is benefiting from this? Is Facebook "sponsoring" this free
>> internet to kill competition (from other social networking services, or
>> from startups rising)?
>> 6. Is it in our advantage?
>> 7. What if they give (zero-rating) "preference" to another
>> service/application in the future (decided by them, and not us, the users)?
>> Will it be a disadvantage to local startups?
> ​It is always good to get free stuffs. I would be happier with free
> unlimited Internet :-)

+1. As a user, yes, it is always good to get stuffs for free.

> Is Orange really choosing what should be free for us? Well, Orange needs
> to make profits in order to sustain its existence. I do not think Orange is
> really choosing what should be free for us. It is rather partnering around
> for a win-win agreement.

I do not want Facebook. I want Twitter, LinkedIn and Bitbucket / Github
free and unlimited access. Is Orange still not choosing for me?

Why Facebook has partnered with Orange only? Is it not disadvantageous for
Emtel? Tomorrow Orange decides to give zero-rating service on another
service (for FTTH users). Will it benefit Emtel, MTML, and others?

What will you do if Orange sells the email addresses of it's customers to
third parties? Here Orange is not selling email addresses but CLIENTS
themselves! Who is Orange to decide that I should be given free Facebook?

> Won't you be happy if Orange gives you 100Mbps unlimited access to all
> local websites/applications?

YES! I want access to ALL without discriminating among content / service

> This is not the first time Facebook[1] has tried offering a "free
> Facebook" service. Facebook tested it's service in
> Kenya[2].

There are others also doing the same besides Facebook. WikiMedia from the
video I posted in my initial mail?

> I see that Facebook has been tricky by not making free but
> rather making a specific service called free with partner
> mobile operators.​
> ​Which local startup will be at disadvantage if Orange provides a similar
> service to another application in the future?

What if tomorrow Orange decides to provide eBay or as
zero-rating services? Will it affect for example?
What if tomorrow Orange decides to provide as a zero-rating
service? Will it affect for example?

I've got this analogy from an online debate on Youtube[1]. I quote (with
some connotation):

There is electricity that is provided. The service provider tells you if
you use refrigerator make/model ABC, we are giving you free electricity.
Else you have to pay for the electricity.
Who is the electricity provider to decide which refrigerator I should use?

Do you think Net-Neutrality and Zero-Rating Services can co-exist?

Best regards,
Nadim Attari

Received on Thu May 28 2015 - 09:29:37 PST

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