Re: Mauritian Developers' Nework (MDN)

From: Mohammad Nadim <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 21:36:43 +0400

Hello Ish,

On 27 May 2015 at 19:40, Ish Sookun <> wrote:

> Hi Nadim,
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Mohammad Nadim <>
> wrote:
>> Why don't we consider
>> - Reddit, or
>> - Google Groups ?
> ​Will you own all the discussions archived on Reddit or Google Groups? At
> least with we can harass ​SM of anything goes wrong :-)

I don't know who'll be the owner :-(

> Besides, I keep track of professional discussions on email and it's
> helping a lot. Now, imagine the situation when I have to reply something
> through email on MIU and LUGM, login to or for MSCC
> and then keep track of what's cooking on reddit/Google Groups. Hmm... I
> would stick to emails for threaded communication, with a public archive
> that is searchable.

On Google Groups, you can receive mail for each message or combined updates
(25 messages per 1 mail) or daily mail updates or even opt out of receiving
any mails. You have archives for each group.

I don't know about Reddit.

Nadim Attari
Received on Wed May 27 2015 - 17:36:58 PST

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