Re: Achievements

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 00:45:19 -0700

Hi Amaelle, Ish,
At 22:48 21-05-2015, Amaelle Lamusse wrote:
>could not expect any less I guess ;-) Jokes aside, I personally
>believe that failures cannot always be defined in terms of
>achievement being accomplished or not. Changes seldom occur rapidly
>and new attitudes take time to develop. The apartheid was not

You asked about the achievements of the group. That is a
failure. Self-development is the process by which a person's
character or abilities are gradually developed. I do not wait for a
person to be able to accomplish something. The person is given one
opportunity only.

At 23:23 21-05-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>You have contributed various RFCs[1][2][3] to the Internet
>Engineering Task Force. You are not the president or vice-president
>of an internet-related association in Mauritius. Can't you
>participate and contribute to the workshops of the National Computer
>Board (NCB) as an "individual"? Does one get super-powers or
>super-knowledge by being the president of some association? I do not think so.

I did not tell the National Computer Board about the RFCs. Does the
National Computer Board have the expertise to assess those
contributions? Would the Mauritian National Computer Security
Incident Response Team (CERT-MU) understand what this thread is
about: ? I
guess that some people in Mauritius believe that the president of an
association would have some super-knowledge.

I lose one day of work when I participate in a workshop. What's the
use of participating in workshops organised by government agencies
when you and I are the only persons asking questions about the
Powerpoint presentations? The response from the speakers is to act
dumb instead of answering the questions.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri May 22 2015 - 07:45:49 PST

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