Hi JoKi,
On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Jochen Kirstätter <mscc_at_kirstaetter.name>
> As far as I understand this conversation, it's the NCB that is the
> originator behind an Open Source policy. They were advertising this already
> during the Infotech 2013 (and earlier IIRC). Whether there is a written
> framework or not I can't tell.
The National Computer Board reacts more to worldwide trends rather than
research done in Mauritius. This is an observation.
They advertised "open source" during Infotech 2013 as that was a "chosen"
topic. LUGM participated with them. In 2014 when I contacted NCB to get
their support for promotion of FOSS during Infotech, I was told in 2013 it
was the "chosen" topic and that is why they collaborated, while in 2014 the
topic had changed. Therefore, they could not collaborate with the Linux
User Group but they could give LUGM a discount if we wished to hire a stand.
> My question is more towards this direction: Why should another group of
> people (outside of the NCB) be the driving force in putting such a
> framework together? Yes, there are volunteers in the LUGM that are acting
> as ambassadors for various distributions but sorry, there are persons at
> the NCB which are paid for this kind of work, or? Representatives of LUGM,
> MIU or any other user group or even an association cannot and shouldn't be
> held responsible to write such a framework. The field of activity should be
> limited to assistance / guidance but not in terms of origin (for free?).
Free Software & Open Source is a community driven movement not government
one. Volunteers of LUGM acting as ambassadors of distributions is one thing
& their participation to push FOSS forward in the country is another.
I see there is a confusion about the "responsibility of framework" here.
Are you making reference when I mentioned the hiring of "foreign
consultants for the drafting of the open source policy"?
Nope. Neither LUGM or a "volunteer" would do any work for free. My question
was why wasn't their a consultation with local bodies, including LUGM,
about the hiring or foreign consultants. LUGM was invited in the workshop
only after the consultants were hired and that they suggested the Linux
User Group should participate in such workshops.
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Fri May 22 2015 - 06:56:28 PST