What i have read is simply what anybody would write after reading the table.
I would like to know why Emtel is selling 4G 50GB at Rs 6000 and Orange Rs 3000. Can anybody explain?
p.s Please be non-technical.
From: irshaad_abd_at_hotmail.com
To: mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Subject: Internet Prices in Mauritius (USB Dongles)
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 12:43:07 +0400
I found an article posted on Facebook this morning regarding mobile Internet connection through dongles prices from different ISPs;
Hope that helps;
Have you used any of them? I would like to try one as backup ISP, but I am not sure which one to opt for.
M Irshaad Abdoolwww.irshaad.me | www.blog.irshaad.mefacebook.com/abdoolirshaad
Received on Mon May 11 2015 - 09:01:00 PST