Hey Nadim,
Nice work. I went through some of your codes, i think you should stick to
some convention if you want to have other developers to help you. For
example there are places you used camelCase and other places you used
underscore_case (snake_case).
Also in your virtual host, if you are using apache 2.4 you should use
"Require all granted" and in older version Order deny,allow & allow from
all, if i'm not mistaken.
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Mohammad Nadim <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I've put a demo here: http://parixiscms.webmauritius.net/
> Regards,
> Nadim Attari
> On 8 May 2015 at 02:11, Mohammad Nadim <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 7 May 2015 at 21:57, Mohammad Nadim <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I need a better theme for the front-end, which I'll hopefully add in the
>>> w-end.
>> I couldn't resist. I've included a vanilla theme with some contents.
>> I've found a bug: Add/View a menu -> Opens this page -> href = # (when
>> selected)
>> TODO: Need an editor for Markdown contents (Add/View a page -> Content
>> type = Markdown)
>> Best regards,
>> Nadim Attari
Received on Fri May 08 2015 - 12:40:24 PST