Hi every one :-)
Hope you guys are doing great today. Concerning this topic, I would like to
share my point of view :
"You focused on the robot and whether it would act against us. Is that
because it is usually what we see in movies?" It is not always the case. If
we take into consideration movies like "Bicentennial man", "I, Robot",
"Wall-E" or "Robots" to name a few, we clearly see that robots or androids
are not always meant to threaten humanity or destroy but to be friendly and
help rather. Of course, if we take more extreme scenarios like "Terminator"
or "The Matrix" things are totally different... If we remember Asimov's 3
laws of robotics correctly (which in his fictions are hardwired in the
robots' positronic brain), we can see for instance that robots shouldn't
normally represent any form of threat and shouldn't be harmful to humans.
"Do people in Mauritius view the internet as advanced technology? Is it
still something alien to most people?" : I don't think that the Internet is
generally viewed as an advanced technology here. Of course it is still
quite new to some people but I doubt it could be qualified as alien, at
least if we consider the word from a strict etymology point of view.
"The Hololens may look like advanced technology as it is not something
which has been done before. However, it looks primitive in relation to
what researchers would like to do." : Very true. Technology is not
something that you can stop from progressing. A lot of research is being
carried out every day and there are things that can be done now that we
could never conceive in our mind before. There are also major improvements
that we remain unaware of as they are not publicized yet... People are now
raving about web 5.0 so I guess even in our own mind, technology is an
ongoing process... Eventually what matters is what we do out of it and how
we use it. Sometimes what we as humans elaborate tend to be the most
harmful to ourselves.
Have a great day :-)
Best regards,
*Amaƫlle** Lamusse,*
[image: ACI-New-logo]
*ACI.ADN de la Communication Informatique Ltee.*
610, Saint James Court,
35 St Denis,
Port Louis,
Ile Maurice.
*Mobile: *+230 5 4930322 <%2B230%2054930322>
*Email:* aci.adn_at_hotmail.com
2015-05-08 3:32 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> Hi Shelly,
> At 09:12 06-05-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>> Yep sorry about that... what i found interesting was especially the
>> realistic approach of the Android to the human appearance..well not only
>> the appearance but the fact that it could understand the human behavior and
>> use it against people who created it and 'humans'. I am eager to watch the
>> movie to learn more about it. It is indeed a very
>> interesting topic to discuss about. Now, talking about this advanced
>> technology... one
> A topic like this one would generate some interest as it is related to
> technology. It did not generate much interest on the mailing list. The
> movie is described as an exploration issues unrelated to technology. You
> focused on the robot and whether it would act against us. Is that because
> it is usually what we see in movies?
> Do people in Mauritius view the internet as advanced technology? Is it
> still something alien to most people?
> project that i know has been launched is the Hololens. Okay..it has
>> noting to do with AI but am talking about advanced technological research
>> which is going to come in the coming years.
> The Hololens may look like advanced technology as it is not something
> which has been done before. However, it looks primitive in relation to
> what researchers would like to do.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri May 08 2015 - 06:07:05 PST