I find this a very good idea. In terms of penetration, it will reach more consumers compared to other backbones present ; imho. But, to be start as a new ISP, I do not think it would be that cheap. Also, how can CEB, which is somehow a governmental body, be a rival to MT/Orange which is also somehow government owned?
M Irshaad Abdoolwww.irshaad.me | www.blog.irshaad.mefacebook.com/abdoolirshaad
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 12:43:05 +0400
Subject: CEB & Internet
From: nadim.attari_at_gmail.com
To: mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
I found this on social media (dunno which newspaper). I'm busy right now; I just read the title and I cannot comment on this for the moment (as I've not read the contents yet).
Send your opinion.
Nadim Attari
Received on Mon May 04 2015 - 09:28:54 PST