Re: E-COI 2020

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 02:18:45 -0700

Hi Vincent,
At 02:16 03-05-2015, vincent pollet wrote:
>I think you guys are missing something very
>important. The conference was a reflexion among
>Indian Ocean Islands in order to coordinate effort for a better connectivity.


>The Estonian ambassador was there as a guest
>to in order to share its country experience on
>open data model for government and business not
>to impose any foreign model to the region.

My question was about whether a person in
Mauritius thought about the case from another
country and examined the details to see whether it would work in Mauritius.

>My felling after the conference is that, if we
>want to have a better connectivity at a
>reasonable price we have to collaborate with
>others countries in the region as Mauritius does
>not have alone the critical mass to lower down prices.


The project was initiated in 2008.

>Actually, they came up with five possible
>scenarios and this was only the kick start of
>what is about to come but we may have to wait
>2020 inorder to get a descent high speed connection ...

2020 is a long time to wait.

I did not understand the following: "ce volet
traitera également des aspects réglementaires
afin de renforcer le contrôle des régulateurs sur
les infrastructures". Does it mean that the
Information and Communication Technologies
Authority will be given more control over infrastructure?

There was also the following: "la formation et de
l’émergence de pôles de recherche et
développement au travers de la mise en réseau des
institutions des pays membres et d’actions de
renforcement des capacités des ressources
humaines en phase avec les ambitions numériques
nationales et régionales". If I understood Ish
correctly, that is the part he was commenting about.

Liliane interviewed Outre Mer Télécom on 20
March. The company was searching for "hot
liners" to hire. The company did not mention
that it is hiring people to do research and development.

Once there is better connectivity between Indian
Ocean islands, will outsourcing companies in the
information technology sector move to a nearby
island? Will this cause unemployment in the
information technology sector in Mauritius?

S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon May 04 2015 - 09:22:24 PST

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