Hi Shelly
Once successfully setup, make sure to disable WPS as it has major security
flaws. Anyone can guess the wps password in hours.
On 1 May 2015 16:30, "kritesh sunghoon" <sodium238akadace_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi shelly,
> I've also bought a WiFi extender
> <http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300Mbps-Wireless-N-WiFi-Mini-Router-Repeater-Range-Extender-Booster-802-11n-g-b-/261871042081?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cf8bafe21> some two
> months ago and seriously it was such a pain to install it.
> I did get the limit connection though, but this was enough to access the
> admin panel of the device and configure it.
> What I did :
> To access the control panel;
> Just like for myT/orange is
> For the WiFi extender it is some other IP add.(mine was
> and should be mention in the manual.
> From there, enter your username and password, again this should be mention
> in your manual.
> From the homepage, you can now, configure your device as router, extender,
> AP... Upon selecting extender, it will scan your environment and eventually
> capture your router's WiFi signal and re boost it.
> This is it.
> In case of failure, hold reset for around 10 sec and re try.
> If still, no positive reponse, then post it on asT venD. xD
> ---
> Further notes:
> In my case, there was a problem, where I can't connect my modem with my
> extender(via LAN cable) to re boost the WiFi signal, if so, I should turn
> off my modem's WiFi and activate for the extender only.
> Another thing is that, it depends where you place your extender.
> For example, if your extender is capturing a Wifi signal of 2 bars, on
> your phone or laptop, you will do get 4 bars but it is not the same as when
> you get 4 bars from your router.
> Nevermind if you don't get me on this one, but the point i want to make is
> that, you can get full connection, but the connection speed will be low
> compared when you are connected with your router.
> Well, good luck and have fun :P
> Regards,
> Kritesh Sunghoon
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun <
> shelly_hermia_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you so much Irshaad, Dave, Ishwon and Keshav!! (Y) ^^
>> Am going to try what you guys told me and i'll send a mail to update you
>> if its good or not :)
>> Thank you (Y)
>> Cheers \m/
>> ------------------------------
>> From: ke5hav_at_hotmail.com
>> To: shelly_hermia_at_hotmail.com
>> Subject: RE: NETGEAR
>> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:40:53 +0000
>> Hi,
>> I had similar problem with my range extender.
>> Go to network settings in the range extender and make sure that the
>> default gateway is (same as your adsl/myt address).
>> Usually if you set the range extender ip to something different, for e.g
>>, the default gateway will be, hence you will need
>> to change the default gateway again!
>> Please try it, it might work.
>> Keshav
>> ------------------------------
>> From: shelly_hermia_at_hotmail.com
>> To: mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
>> Subject: NETGEAR
>> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:57:06 +0400
>> Hello,
>> I bought a WIFI extender (NETGEAR WN3000RP) last month and i was
>> wondering why i can't use it. The Netgear connection icon is always
>> limited.
>> I followed the instructions and i had two options in order to install the
>> extender.
>> 1. Connect with WPS
>> 2.Connect with web browser setup
>> I decided to try option 2 first so i typed the link mentioned in the
>> manual http://www.mywifiext.net/
>> but it wasn't available so i went on with option 2 (connect with WPS).
>> The installation was successful. I can connect my device to the Netgear
>> connection BUT it's always limited.
>> I checked online and found this link:
>> http://kb.netgear.fr/app/answers/detail/a_id/22594/~/comment-configurer-votre-r%C3%A9p%C3%A9teur-universel-wifi%C2%A0wn3000rp%C2%A0netgear%C2%A0%3F
>> <http://kb.netgear.fr/app/answers/detail/a_id/22594/~/comment-configurer-votre-r%C3%A9p%C3%A9teur-universel-wifi%C2%A0wn3000rp%C2%A0netgear%C2%A0?>
>> It's the same instruction i got from the manual.
>> I also read about this type of problem on the Netgear forum but am still
>> :| argghh i don't know what to do.
>> So my question is..why is it limited? O.o' and even if the icon is not
>> limited AND if it says connect... i don't have any Internet connection
>> using it.
>> What do i do? How do i fix it?
>> Thank you.
> --
> *"Sky is the limit", huh**? *
> *There is nothing like "limit", it's just a word used by someone, who
> don't want you to surpass him or her.*
Received on Fri May 01 2015 - 15:03:14 PST