Hello SM
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 1:19 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> You mentioned that you were testing the Azure service. The latency to
> hacklog.in is currently around 243 ms. The time to load the entire web
> page is around 10 seconds [1]. I do not see any content being served from
> Azure.
Thanks for doing the test.
I am currently using Cloudflare CDN which will most probably serve you
through a UK ip address (as per my last test). This will affect the results
and not provide a fair test for Azure. I will turn off the CDN
and do tests while accessing the same content from different locations.
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Thu Apr 30 2015 - 03:15:31 PST