​Hello SM,
I'll comment on the 2007's Public consultation paper first.
On page 9, I find the following paragraph appear like censorship :
"*In order to protect Internet domain names from indecency, words which are
obscene, scandalous, indecent, and contrary to law or morality may be added
to the list of reserved terms, as off-limits for registration.*"
What happens if tomorrow I would want to register something like "
On the same page, SLDs are mentioned; nic.mu, gov.mu and edu.mu are cited.
Are there restrictions if someone would register a domain such as *fun.mu
http://fun.mu>* and sell sub-domains to hotel & leisure companies?
Practices like domain hoarding and cybersquatting are mentioned. We do not
have laws stipulated in the ICT Act pertaining to such practices. Will the
ICT Act be amended?
I am not in favour of selling WHOIS data to commercial companies.
Coming to the draft you mentioned several groups/organizations that could
nominate member representatives in the .mu Council. You didn't mention the
Mauritius Internet Users group. Will the group cease to exist at some point
in time?
You mentioned about possible conflict of interest that could arise through
registrars. I propose the .mu Council be balanced with a fair number of
You also mentioned "*This information however should not be available to a
registrar.*" It will be difficult to ascertain the same while having
registrar representatives in the .mu Council.
I think registrars could have an association of their own and they
designate someone to represent them.
I agree that fees are to be paid to council members as they will have to
dedicate their time and effort.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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https://twitter.com/IshSookun> ^^ Do you
Received on Wed Mar 25 2015 - 16:18:07 PST