Hari bol
Dear mr om. Lets understand this in a go-cool way. You said you are dissapointed. Very good. but can u explain what is exactly wrong with the content. ?
thank you
om namah shiva
mustapha sheik mohamed
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 20:15:38 +0400
Subject: Promoting Linux website
From: omgokhool_at_gmail.com
To: mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Hello People
Recently I have been working on a website which promotes Open Source , Linux and the GNU foundation as a class project. I am actually working on the synopsis of the project. While doing a background study I came across this website (www.promotinglinux.com) .
However the contents are really disappointing since from my point of view there is nothing about Linux promotion but things that will discourage prospective users.
Omdeep Gokhool
Bsc Applied Computing
University of Mauritius
Received on Sat Mar 21 2015 - 18:58:24 PST