Re: .mu update (was: Difference between someone who works)

From: Loganaden Velvindron <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 19:46:27 +0000

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Ish Sookun <> wrote:
> 2015-03-20 23:20 GMT+04:00 Loganaden Velvindron <>:
>> We need to have an employee who will lead the effort on a full-time
>> basis to design, implement, and deploy the new .mu infrastructure. I
>> do not believe that having people doing it in their spare time while
>> drinking beer after work is a good idea, as we are talking about
>> critical infrastructure.
> Oh damn. Seriously, Logan? Do I really have to explain you the basics
> between a consultant (with hands-on-experience) writing a proposal and work
> done by contractors, sub-contractors, sub-sub-contractors :-) You seriously
> do not expect neither me or SM making network cables?

When it comes to National Security, we cannot talk about
sub-contracting the work. I'm not comfortable with the idea of a
Mauritian Registry whose implementation was left to a non-Mauritian
group which can potentially insert a backdoor for passive

I would expect the employee to come with a sensible design, and drive
the implementation and deployment. This would help for accountability:
That employee cannot blame it on a sub-contractor.

> Did you have a look at the cost breakdown shared by SM? Can you tell me why
> there is no one-time cost for human resources but it is in recurrent?

I believe that salaries are adjusted periodically for inflation, and
therefore cannot be a one-time cost.

> Lastly, do you write bad code after drinking beer ;-)

It has happened in the past. Also, Please note that both the Linux
kernel and the various BSDs come with a non-warranty clause :-) Here
we are talking about accountability. If .mu breaks, someone needs to
answer. Having employees make that possible.

> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> |H|A|C|K|L|O|G|.|i|n|
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> ^^ Do you tweet?

This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 19:46:40 PST

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