Hello SM,
2015-03-15 16:44 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> Hello,
> At 21:34 14-03-2015, jheengut_sagar_at_yahoo.co.uk wrote:
>> I do not like technology that I cannot control, understand, predict and
>> modify. That is the reason FLOSS is the only option for me.
> I'll experiment with yahoo.co.uk to understand this FLOSS thing.
FLOSS experiments would not work on Cloud Based Services. Since you're not
giving away binaries, the statement about giving binary + source is
Some people have tried pushing forward the Libre nature to online services
but I somehow do not agree to that.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Sun Mar 15 2015 - 16:32:43 PST