RE: Inquiry about Illegal Access to Digital Content

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 12:16:30 -0700

Dear Ms Gunglee,
At 04:44 13-03-2015, Zohra Gunglee wrote:
>Thank you for the guidance and yes in fact I contacted 2 lawyers
>concerning the calculation of damages in cases of digital piracy and
>they were themselves unaware of this matter.
>Probably I should find a lawyer who is well-versed in IT laws.

I have not met any local legal person who is familiar with those
legal questions. There has been cases about counterfeit
goods. Could you get access to the court documents? I would like to
read them as I don't have much local information.

There is an example of local legislation at I would like
to have your comments about that.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Mar 13 2015 - 19:17:58 PST

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