Re: Multi-Stakeholder Forum

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:11:37 -0800

Hi Ish, Ajay,

There is a mistake in the following sentence:

   However, Mr Yann Kwok did explain how he came up with that amount.

It should be:

   However, Mr Yann Kwok did not explain how he came up with that amount.

At 18:48 26-02-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>No. I do not disagree with the points otherwise I would have pointed
>out. However, was there any reasons stated by other people
>attending and who were not supportive of a re-delegation?

Some people at the meeting wanted to know what the problem was before
discussing about a new model for the .mu ccTLD and a
re-delegation. There were also a concern about whether a
re-delegation could be done without the agreement of the current ccTLD manager.

At 20:05 26-02-2015, Ajay R Ramjatan wrote:
>Thanks for the summary SM. This sounds like it's going in a good
>direction. If you think I can provide any help, please let me know.

Thanks for the offer. Could you (and anyone else reading this) send
me a list of problems related to .mu domain names which your
customers encountered?

S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Feb 27 2015 - 07:12:12 PST

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