Re: Deletion of biometric data

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 19:51:44 +0400

Dear Rajnish,

On 14/04/17 11:40, Rajnish Hawabhay wrote:
> I have forwarded your queries to the concerned officers for a reply.

I was not copied when you forwarded the queries to the concerned
officers. May I know the names of the officers. It's been ten days now
and I still have not received a reply.

It's difficult to trust someone who on data safety if the person
hesitates to take the responsibility. I want to know who have sworn an
affidavit affirming the deletion of the biometric data as stated by
several Ministers of TCI. I am particularly interested to know the
content of the affidavit.


Ish Sookun
I drink coffee and manage Linux servers for
Received on Tue Apr 25 2017 - 15:51:59 PST

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