Hello SM,
On 12 November 2015 at 05:04, Nadim Bundhoo <nadim_at_devisprox.com> wrote:
> Hello SM,
> On 10 November 2015 at 16:06, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nadim,
>> At 23:13 09-11-2015, Nadim Bundhoo wrote:
>>> Sun (Sandeep), who I think is on this mailing list, was giving hints on
>>> Facebook since last week that there shall be a new UI/UX [on <
>>> http://lexpress.mu>lexpress.mu].
>> I found the new layout difficult to parse. I encountered a similar
>> problem with defimedia.
> Do you remember the several animated GIFs on webpages in the early 2000's
> ? Every animations distracted us from viewing the one piece of information
> on the page that was supposed to be the main "content."
> On this new version of lexpress.mu, I feel the same. Which piece of info
> should I focus on?
> The size of the new lexpress page is twice that of the old version.
> I do not have an idea on the size of the old version, but I did a test on
> this new version. I found that the homepage weighs around 23MB. The website
> is responsive, which means that on mobiles and tablets, dark matter are
> added to the pages. By dark matter I mean that assets are downloaded though
> not visible (most probably because of display:none in the CSS) [1].
> The cost for 1GB of mobile data is Rs299 [2] or Rs 0.299 per MB of data.
> If everytime I visit lexpress.mu on my mobile (with this 1GB data plan),
> I'll have to pay Rs 6.877 (it may be slightly less, depending on the amount
> of data downloaded).
> Anyway, it is not encouraging at all to visit lexpress.mu on a mobile.
>> I assume that the web developers spent time testing the layout on a
>> tablet as that version looks better than the desktop version. I would give
>> a few negative marks for fluidity.
> I don't know about lexpress.mu's analytics, but having 2 different
> versions of the website (desktop & mdot) would have been better, instead of
> one responsive version. Imagine the bandwidth wasted when the website is
> accessed on a mobile phone.
> The website has also been designed to cater for IE7 and IE8. Say if 1% of
> the traffic comes from surfers on IE7 & IE8 - which makes around 10000
> surfers according to "News web sites traffic in Mauritius" [3], why do we
> offer them a responsive website? Surfers on these browsers may still be on
> Windows XP (perhaps government officials) with a slow computer. Why should
> they have to download all the CSS & JS then?
> Is lexpress faster than defimedia? I don't think so. I looked into this to
>> figure out how the web site could be faster.
> I am on MyT 10M [4]. Defimedia's homepage weighs around 14MB and loads in
> around 20s whereas Lexpress.mu weighs around 23MB and loads in 37s. (number
> of CSS & JS files, images/ads/videos/audio?)
> Defimedia's page starts to render after 4.6s whereas Lexpress page starts
> to render after 6.2s. (CSS & JS ordering?)
> The browser makes 227 requests if I surf Defimedia's page for the first
> time and 22 requests subsequently. 338 requests are made if I surf on
> Lexpress homepage for the first time, and 163 requests subsequently.
> (caching of assets?)
> The only area where I could find L'express better than Defimedia is the
> first-time-to-byte (i.e. time to wait for server to send first piece of
> contents, usually the HTML). Lexpress.mu may be behind a cache server
> (Varnish?) and Defimedia not.
> Regards,
> Nadim Attari
> [1]
> https://speakerdeck.com/grigs/performance-implications-of-responsive-design
> (June 2012)
> [2] http://www.orange.mu/mobile/sites-4G.php
> [3] http://www.elandsys.com/~sm/news-web-traffic-mauritius.html
> [4] http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4824952609 (Server in Dublin.
> L'express hosting is in Dublin too)
I believe optimisation is on its way - Sun will confirm. I'm pretty sure
Sun and his team will do a great job.
One thing that I need to be tested. If people reading this ML can send
their result, it would be great. I want to know whether the batteries of
mobiles get drained fast when surfing on L'Express' website. I surfed 4
times on the homepage. My battery level:
1st: from 48% to 30%
2nd: from 30% to 19%
3rd: from 15% to 8%
4th: from 100% to 92%
I was only on the homepage, and scrolling up and down, without opening
other pages.
Anyone care to send his/her results (tests done on mobile & tablets) and we
can verify that L'express' new version is CPU-intensive, hence drains the
battery quickly?
Best regards,
Nadim Attari
Received on Thu Nov 12 2015 - 08:01:58 PST