Hello Mr. J.D Phokeer, Mr. R. Hawabhay,
1. *mtci_at_govmu.org <mtci_at_govmu.org>*
I have a problem with govmu.org account registration and sent a mail about
the same to mtci_at_govmu.org. I received a delivery failure notice due to the
mailbox being full. When can we send mails to mtci_at_govmu.org? Or should I
mail you two directly until the mtci_at_govmu.org mailbox issue is resolved?
2. *govmu.org <
http://govmu.org> account registration*
A 16-yr old wants to apply online for a provisional driving license. An
account is needed on govmu.org to do so. Unfortunately you need to provide
either a NIC number or passport number to create the account. The 16-yr old
does not have NIC. How will he do if he doesn't have a passport either?
The privacy policy page [1] does not mention anything about who can have an
account on govmu.org and any age limits to have the account.
Please advise.
Best Regards,
Bundhoo M Nadim
Received on Tue Nov 03 2015 - 08:48:55 PST