On 10/29/15 11:36 AM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> Hi Logan,
> Orange Mauritius confirmed that Mauritius Telecom do not peer with
> Emtel at MIXP [1]. The traffic between Mauritius Telecom and Emtel is
> local. According to your blog article, it is a peering problem.
> Would it be possible for you to explain what you meant by "peering
> problem"?
ISPs peer between themselves to save cost by avoiding taking
international routes. e.g, if I live in Rose-Hill, and my friend lives
in Quatres Bornes, it makes little sense for me to take a plane from
Mauritius, to London, and then take a taxi to go to Quatres Bornes. If a
route exists between Rose-Hill and Quatres Brones, we should use it. The
advantage for consumers is that it takes less time. On the internet,
less time means less latency.
However, as I showed in my blog post, it's taking on average 662ms. The
same latency that it would take as it goes to Europe and then back to
Mauritius. A few days ago, I was gettin 67ms from Emtel to Orange and
vice-versa. Obviously, something happened that caused the latency to
spike to 662ms.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
> 1. https://twitter.com/OrangeMauritius/status/659622196529221632
Received on Thu Oct 29 2015 - 07:45:16 PST