I did also read the article as well. And I was quite astonished with these
new laws. Perhaps if they had sought the help of IT professionals, the laws
would have been more specific. But now that these laws have already been
passed, if there any way that those who do agree with them make an appeal
to review these laws?
On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 2:51 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Ish,
> At 11:19 07-07-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>> I cannot comment on the whole document in this email as I need some
>> further studying. I'm on it though.
> I read http://hacklog.in/law-reform-commission-mauritius-cyber-law/
> Thanks for trying to explain the implications of the proposed change. I
> doubt that people have been paying attention to that. It looks like
> importing legal changes without people understanding how it might affect
> them.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Jul 10 2015 - 06:30:39 PST