On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:36 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Ish,
> I read about your govmu.org account in a blog article (
> http://hacklog.in/linkdev-developers-could-access-your-govmu-org-account/
> ). The news article at
> http://www.lemauricien.com/article/tic-govmu-portail-du-gouvernement-desormais-accessible-sur-mobile
> mentions the following:
> "L’application et la version mobile du site ont été conçues par la firme
> mauricienne FRCI, soit le même concepteur que le nouveau portail du
> gouvernement."
> https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/mauritius-gov/id564251719 states that the
> app has been developed by LINK Development (S.A.E.) in 2012. The "Reset
> password message" is from linkdev.com while the copyright notice shows
> "2010 Government of Mauritius" (
> http://hacklog.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/linkdev-emails-govmu-org.png
> ). Is this an example of development in the "cloud"? :-)
What do you mean by "development in the cloud"?
For me, this goes beyond technical issues. It's been clear for quite some
time now that the government isn't taking ownership of the nation's IT.
Let's look at this one isolated case:
- No ownership of branding.
- No administrative ownership (e.g. the Government doesn't even own the
Apple account used to publish the iOS app, have effectively zero control
over the app and can be held to ransom).
- No ownership of infrastructure.
- No ownership of the project. Clearly, since the issue reported by Ish
should never have passed acceptance testing.
This happens so often that it can only be called a cultural problem in our
government. A blatant lack of ownership by project stakeholders, leading to
management failures. The technical problems are merely the symptoms.
Culture -> Management -> Technical failures
It will take more than a decade to turn this ship around.
Received on Thu Jun 25 2015 - 05:12:54 PST