Product reviews

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 04:15:28 -0700

Hi Shelly,
At 02:42 20-06-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>I think it depends because the Fb page manager usually responds
>quickly whenever i have questions. I prefer to visit Fb pages and
>look at the items being sold because i get to see how the other
>customers respond and whether they had a pleasant shopping
>experience etc. Yes, i agree that it's cooler to shop on Fb but like
>i said it depends on the target market.

The above is about product reviews.

>Thank you for sharing these links SM. The question i would like to
>ask is: Do they have a license to sell these products? Especially if
>someone is selling great brands. Do we have a law which protects
>genuine brands? We did have the Tropical Miss issue and they are
>doing great promotion on Fb.

The question is whether the company is selling a genuine product or a
counterfeit product. There is a law [1] to protect brands. It is up
to the manufacturer of the product to file a report when it finds
unauthorized companies or persons selling a product with its brand.

It is possible to find out whether you are being sold a genuine
product when there are unbiased product reviews. You might also be
able to assess the quality of the product and the customer
service. As this is Mauritius, you might be aware that the street
hawkers usually do not usually sell genuine products. It is the same
online. Would the customer believe that the product being sold on
Facebook is genuine?

S. Moonesamy

Received on Sat Jun 20 2015 - 11:16:32 PST

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