PKI (was: Achievements)

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 23:11:08 -0700

Hi Ish,
At 22:50 24-05-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>I cannot access the page with HTTPS. It works only over HTTP.

Sorry about that. The correct URL is

>I contacted the Controller of Certification Authorities[1] in
>February 2015 regarding the above mentioned revocation. The reply
>was as follows:
>With regard to eMudhra Consumer Services CA, its certificates which
>are being used in Mauritius are under a separate security hierarchy
>with the CCA Mauritius as the apex agency. As such, it is
>independent from the issue under the CCA India hierarchy which is a
>different PKI not linked to the Mauritian PKI

I received the following from eMudhra in February 2015:

   "Greetings from eMudhra!

    With reference to below e-mail, we wish to inform you that we have
    forwarded your concern to our respective department the problem will get
    rectified at the earliest."

I have not heard from eMudhra after that.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon May 25 2015 - 06:12:01 PST

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