Hello Nadim,
On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 9:01 PM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> I'll use the last workshop which I attended as an example. One of the
> speakers stated that user groups are participating in the discussions.
> I'll leave Mr Sookun to comment for the Linux User Group Meta as he was
> representing that user group. In my opinion, that is incorrect as the
> Mauritius Internet Users has not been approached to participate in the
> discussions. I commented so that the Mauritius Internet Users is not
> included in a report saying that we agreed to what was discussed.
Let me take the example of the last workshop too, that about "innovation"
by the National Computer Board. I attended the same as the representative
of the Linux User User Meta/Mauritius. I would not go there and speak in my
personal name, on behalf of my company or as a member of the ICT Advisory
Council. The same applies for this mailing list, I am subscribed as Ish
Sookun (full stop). I am not subscribed as the Team Leader of R&D at Stella
Telecom, neither the PR of the Linux User Group of Mauritius nor member of
the ICT Advisory Council.
When I participate in discussions representing any of the above I react
accordingly. It would be un-ethical for me to talk on behalf of any other
group without them knowing I am representing them somewhere.
However, when a question is tossed about any of the above, I will react &
answer within my capacity and convey the query (if I cannot answer) to
other members.
> I prefer not to do things in hope that something will be done. I prefer
> to take the facts, ignore the gossip, and do an analysis. I then present
> them outside this mailing list in a way to attain a result. It is
> well-known in Mauritius that a person promoting himself/herself can be
> offered an appointment or a juicy contract in exchange for his/her
> silence. I guess that is why Shelly would like to know more about your
> opinions on the various topics being discussed. Let's say that you did not
> disclose that you are a member of, for example, the ICT Advisory Council
> and you do not have time to participate in discussions when the ICT
> Advisory Council is mentioned. That could create a perception that you are
> lobbying in favour of government.
I do not represent the Government not I represent the ICT Advisory Council
anywhere. I am in the council so as I can toss my ideas & provide an advice
within my capacity & knowledge. I noticed that the notes of meetings aren't
public & I have raised the question at the Council. If anybody wishes to
have the notes of those meetings, you should make a formal request directly
to the Ministry of TCI.
For info, notes of meetings of other ministries are available on govmu.org
> A lot of people aspire to look good in Mauritius or outside Mauritius.
> There is an interview of Mr Rambaran at
> http://www.defimedia.info/defi-quotidien/dq-economie/item/4228-rencontre--dhiruj-rambaran-%E2%80%93-un-programmeur-au-service-de-sa-majest%C3%A9-britannique.html
> There is an interview of Mr Sookun at
> http://www.lexpress.mu/video/246943/govmu-ish-sookun-choque-nouvelle-gaffe
> There is an interview of Mr Velvindron at
> http://www.lexpress.mu/article/246972/mauriciens-qui-brillent-en-informatique
> Is it a problem to look good in Mauritius because of that?
I would not usually speak on a matter I am not knowledgeable about. If I
am asked about a subject I am unaware of I would either decline to comment
or ask for time to study it.
There are people in the Government who do not consider me as "good". Did I
do anything to look good or bad to them?
I guess I was only being honest in what I saw, what I feel and I give a
feedback. It is up to the person to look at it in a good or bad way. There
is a person on this mailing list who sent me a feedback off-list about my
blog. He reported an inconvenience and suggested a fix. I took it
positively. Now, I could have also got angry as to why this person is
making remark about my blog & decide not to answer him. Having a good
dialogue with those giving a feedback is considered being mature. Could we
say some people act immature in Mauritius?
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Sun May 24 2015 - 04:29:32 PST