CMS - first version

From: Mohammad Nadim <>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 21:57:43 +0400

Hello Ish, Logan,

On 1 May 2015 at 18:26, Ish Sookun <> wrote:

> Hello again Nadim,
> On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Mohammad Nadim <>
> wrote:
>> I *may* release the CMS in the public domain under some GPL licence - I
>> don't think my office will object.
>> Started yesterday night. 35% completed. Hopefully I'll complete it by
>> Sunday afternoon :-)
> ​It's great to hear that you wish to release your work as open source. For
> precision, you may say under "some GNU" license. GPL (General Public
> License) is itself a "license".
> You could release code you have written as GPL, but you should make a
> distinction between libraries you have used and their relevant licenses.
> All the best for your work & hope to see online soon :-)​

Thanks for the encouragement. A first version can be found here - please feel free
to download, test and provide feedback.

The CMS is generic. It's a start. We can build on it, add new features,
plugins, etc. I hope others can contribute by coding plugins, etc (photo
gallery for the front-end, RBAC for the BackOffice, etc).

Since I had small websites in mind (5-10 pages), I've used SQLite. But it
can easily be modified to use other DB (MariaDB for example).

I need a better theme for the front-end, which I'll hopefully add in the

_at_Yusuf, Sun, and other developers. Can you provide a constructive (peer)
review. I'm not a good OO programmer, but I've tried by best. I can see
some improvements.

Best regards,
Nadim Attari
Received on Thu May 07 2015 - 17:57:57 PST

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