Oops. I missed the list's address in my reply to Mr Gorden, Secretary at
the Ministry of TCI.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in>
Date: Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: Amended Note of Meeting for Multi-Stakeholder Forum held on 22
April 2015
To: Praidy Gorden <pgorden_at_govmu.org>
Cc: sramgolam_at_govmu.org, rhawabhay_at_govmu.org, Zeina Limalia <ilimalia_at_ncb.mu>,
vmulloo_at_ncb.mu, tdabeesing_at_imail.icta.mu, velamah_at_mauritiustelecom.com,
jlim_at_mauritiustelecom.com, soodesh.beegun_at_afrasiabank.com, arad_at_intnet.mu, "
ashok_at_afrinic.net" <ashok_at_afrinic.net>, s.sathan_at_uom.ac.mu, bpillay_at_mcci.org,
Ganesh Ramalingum <ganesh_at_dclweb.org>, jnrc_at_intnet.mu, S Moonesamy <
sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>, Benoit Gentil <benoit_at_fodytechnologies.com>,
msoobron_at_govmu.org, kvalaydon_at_govmu.org, "S. Purmessur" <
spurmessur_at_govmu.org>, Neeta Shewraj <nshewraj_at_govmu.org>, psmtci_at_govmu.org
Dear Mr Gorden,
Thank you for providing the notes.
I have comments to make regarding part 6 (iii) on page 8, in particular.
*"the Information and Communication Technologies Authority to hire an
expert to provide assistance and help the Multi-Stakeholder Forum to chart
the way forward."*
Mr Moonesamy, Mr Gentil and myself, we strongly disagreed to the
appointment of a "foreign expert" by ICTA. The Chair then calmed the
atmosphere by suggesting if any "expert" were to be hired by ICTA, the
latter would bear the costs and that the Multi-stakeholder Forum not be
bound by the consultancy. It would only be of "informational assistance"
and decisions will remain at the level of the Multi-stakeholder Forum.
Your notes from part 6 (iii) do not reflect the "disagreement" of Mr.
Moonesamy and myself, as representatives of the Mauritius Internet Users,
and that of Mr Gentil, representative of .mu registrar. It neither reflects
the autonomy of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum as suggested by the Chair.
I am also surprised on the mention of ".mu Council" while throughout
discussions it was only tossed as a not-for-profit entity to be later
named. The structure of the said entity is currently being drafted by three
members of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum. At no moment there was a vote for
the name of the entity to be ".mu Council". There was only one person from
ICTA who used the word ".mu Council".
I hope my comments bring clarity and helps avoiding any confusion in the
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Wed May 06 2015 - 16:33:39 PST