Tying of broadband Internet Access and pay-TV

From: S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 00:12:28 -0700

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the decision of the Commissioners of the Competition
Commission [1] which was published on 26 October 2012. The document
states that:

   'MT has addressed the concerns of the investigation through its
    namely in Section 9(a) of the Undertakings, whereby MT
understakes to "ensure
    that all My.T offers are replicated on a stand-alone fixed line broadband
    internet access basis"'.

I am a residential customer. I read reports by the public which
shows that the My.T offers were not replicated on a stand-alone fixed
line broadband internet access basis. This puts me, as a consumer,
at a disadvantage as I am paying a higher price for a lower download speed.

Is there anything the Competition Commission of Mauritius can do to
correct this situation?

S. Moonesamy

1. http://www.ccm.mu/English/Documents/Investigations/INV009-Decision.pdf
Received on Wed Apr 29 2015 - 07:13:48 PST

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