Bharat Telecom completes laying down of Fibre Optic Cables in the East

From: Irshaad Abdool <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 19:46:45 +0400

Hello everyone;
I just came across an article on DefiMedia [1] whereby it is stated the Bharat Telecom has completed its Fibre-Optics-Cable-layout in the East of the country and is now moving to the south, with areas like Plaine Magnien, Rose Belle and Mare Tabac mentioned as forthcoming covered regions.
As I am from the south of the country, I would like if anyone can tell me about the real-life experiments/experience with that ISP compared to the ADSL packages offered by MT/Orange and whether it would be available in L'Escalier.
[1] -

M Irshaad |
Received on Wed Apr 08 2015 - 15:47:00 PST

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