On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 12:52:41AM -0700, S Moonesamy wrote:
> Hello,
> There is an article about the "10 Benefits of Cloud computing for
> Mauritian companies" (
> http://ict.io/10-benefits-of-cloud-computing-for-mauritian-companies/
> ).
> "The origin of the expression cloud computing is obscure, but it
> appears to derive from the practice of using drawings of stylized
> clouds to denote networks in diagrams of computing and
> communications systems" [1][2]. "Cloud computing"is not required to
> set up a virtual office. The first paragraph of the article talks
> about "social media". There isn't any (direct) relation between
> social media and the topic.
> The article mentions that there is a rather small market in
> Mauritius. It then states that companies "needs more capabilities
> than usual". The paragraph about "flexibility" mixes different
> things. "Cloud computing" could be described as "you don't know
> where the important data is". It can be a problem for disaster
If the data is important, then I care where it is stored. I also care about
who can possibly be snooping on my data. That's why I prefer to avoid cloud
computing, and build my own infrastructure, as experience has shown that
we live in a pervasive world where invasion of privacy and data monitoring
is rampant.
> recovery as there is an assumption that the data can easily be
> recovered. "Cloud computer" can offer some benefits such as not
> worrying about software updates and reducing capital expenditure.
It all depends on the cloud providers. Not every cloud provider have strict
policies regarding updates. So the mileage varies.
> The article states that "with optical fiber developing on the island
> it is now possible to work from home". Although the existing
> internet infrastructure in Mauritius allows work from home, there is
> still the bandwidth limitation and the high cost of a decent
> internet connection. The article states that "cloud has a number of
> other security benefits". It does not take into account that the
> data can be retrieved by some agencies without the owner of the data
> being informed about that.
See my point earlier.
Can the cloud provider guarantee that nobody is snooping on the communication
cables between the various datacenters ?
> Cloud computing is like fog computing.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
> 1. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1483678/cloud-computing
> 2. There are other opinions about the origin of the express.
Received on Thu Apr 02 2015 - 08:16:42 PST