Hi Nadim,
At 07:23 26-03-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>Can you please give details concerning the 3 documents ? For example
>who wrote them. I find that the "Proposed Governance Framework for
>the .mu ccTLD" (mu-governance-model-26022015.doc) has been modified
>(i find strike-through texts in blue). Who did these changes ?
>For someone who can't spare much time reading all the 3 docs, which
>1 do you suggest to read (from which someone can give his/her opinions) ?
The mu-selectcommittee-public-consultation-final.pdf is about a
public consultation which the government initiated in 2007. It is an
old document. I suggest looking at the two documents mentioned
before and commenting about them if you do not have enough time to
read all the documents.
I suggest reading
as that is the up-to-date draft proposal. There is also
http://www.elandsys.com/~sm/mu-governance-model-26022015.doc which
has the details of the governance model.
The governance-model-26022015.doc was created by the government last
year or before that. The strike-through text is text which are
marked for removal. The government probably did that in response to
comments from the members of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum. I was not
present at the previous meetings. I do not have any information
about what was discussed previously.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Mar 26 2015 - 14:38:04 PST