On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Jochen Kirstätter
<mscc_at_kirstaetter.name> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 23/03/2015 10:29, S Moonesamy wrote:
>> [Payment systems]
> There are several options on the market but the setup and monthly
> conditions are just not economic for SMEs.
> Commonly used services like PayPal, Google Wallet and others cannot be
> used for direct income into your bank account.
And that's really terrible. I still can't believe that we cannot do
this in Mauritius. I think that since it won't benefit the big
companies in Mauritius, there is little incentive to make it work in
>> [Mauritius ahead in the region]
> Not anymore.
> The local scene has been blind-folded or at least is wearing blinkers
> regarding an advantage position in technology. There are several
> sub-saharian countries in Africa which are easily outrunning Mauritius
> in this sector and the trend is rising for others, too. Good examples
> are South Africa, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.
> --
> Kind regards.
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Received on Mon Mar 23 2015 - 07:29:18 PST