On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:32 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Ish, Logan,
> I propose the following job for Logan and Ish. The salary is five hundred
> thousand rupees a month for each of you. You will be the directors of:
> ICT Advisory Council
> .mu
> Will you accept the job?
That's too much work for a single person to handle/ I think that we
just need stronger push from above.
I think that those institutions need competent and hardworking people
to push Mauritius forward.
I would argue that a few years ago, the situation was acceptable.
However, with the global push towards v6, DNSSEC and the depletion of
IPv4 global resource space, we are badly lagging behind. And we really
need people who can make those projects a reality.
- Analysis of malware trends for Mauritius, by collecting data.
- Secure coding practices for Mauritian developers, by looking at what
programming languages, cms, and developer tools currently being used.
ICT Advisory:
- IPv6 adoption. Reality is that government need to push this forward.
When the US and EU are grabbing huge IPv6 allocations, what are we
doing here in Mauritius ? Is the Internet of things going to work in
Mauritius without IPv6 ?
- 100Mbit/s Internet for a small island is possible.
- affordable domain prices
- Branding and marketting for increased adoption of the .mu instead of
.com, as one of the local registrars mentioned it.
- Develop a reference DNS infrastructure for a ccTLD. By reference, I
mean, things like "DNSSEC publishes a new spec. We have people who can
evaluate the new spec, and judge whether it's a good idea. And then,
it hits international news that the Mauritian ccTLD adopted the new
spec, and is among the first to do so." This would increase confidence
in investors to come to Mauritius, and will cement the local
engineering reputation.
- Instead of trying to stop individuals from ordering equipment, I
think that giving tax incentives to companies that buy IPv6-ready
equipment is a better way to increase v6 adoption.
- Peering between the different ISPs is crucial. I'm currently getting
300ms latency when I ssh to a local server. That's hardly acceptable.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Sun Mar 22 2015 - 11:53:47 PST