2015-03-18 21:21 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> As a representative of the Mauritius Internet Users I strongly opposed
> spending 13 million rupees on .mu. I am sure that you would find some time
> to come to the microphone and ask me questions about such a huge amount of
> money if I supported such a decision. :-)
Of course I will. There's no doubt about it ;-)
> I commented about the technical setup as I was concerned about the huge
> amount of money estimated for .mu. Should I propose a better technical
> setup? I could make a few suggestions. Should I write a formal proposal
> for free because I opposed the technical setup which is currently proposed?
It is not advisable to propose a solution to people who don't understand
the solution, especially if you're doing that for free. Yes, but do make
suggestions. You can explain them the reasons why you oppose the technical
setup. You could also ask them if they understood the proposed setup :-)
> There is a .mu Select Committee which is working on a proposal for .mu.
> The .mu Select Committee will deliver a proposal to the MultiStakeholder
> Forum. There will most likely be a public consultation.
The .mu Select Committee does not currently include "Internet Users" since
the only MIU member is chairing the committee and would not be able to give
a diplomatic slap when needed.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Wed Mar 18 2015 - 18:41:35 PST