On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 08:00:02PM +0400, Ish Sookun wrote:
> ?Hello SM,
> ?
> 2015-03-18 14:32 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> > Hi Logan, Ish,
> > At 08:13 17-03-2015, Loganaden Velvindron wrote:
> >
> >> Foreign expertise won't help in anyway here. It's been attempted before,
> >> it
> >> didn't work.
> >>
> >
> > The government representative suggested enlisting an member of the ICANN
> > Board for the work. I commented that our group is against asking for
> > foreign expertise. I don't know whether the .mu Select Committee will
> > agree to that.
> >
> I
> ? don't know about the select committee either but as an Internet user of
> Mauritius, as a Mauritian, I vote against this.
> ?Last year, you and I participated in a workshop where two "foreign
> experts"? were paid to draft an Open Source Policy for Mauritius. Was there
> anything in the draft that could not have been done by Mauritians?
> I think the myth of believing some things can "only" be solved by foreign
> expertise is strongly bugged in some minds.
> ?
> >
> > There is a .mu cost breakdown proposal at http://www.elandsys.com/~sm/
> > mu-registry-cost-breakdown-proposal.doc As a representative of this
> > group, I commented that the amount of money in the proposal could be viewed
> > as astronomical. I also mentioned that those cost will have to be passed
> > to people having .mu domain names. In my opinion it is not possible to see
> > a reduction in the price of a .mu domain name if the cost is anywhere near
> > the figures mentioned in the proposal.
> >
> ?The proposal is absurd. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of MIU
> members.
> If the Multi-stakeholder forum accepts this proposal, then I shall *no more
> comment or collaborate* on any topic related to .mu. I will NEVER buy a .mu
> and I will neither ever encourage someone to do so. If the Government opts
> to spend ~13 million rupees as described in the proposal (which neither
> assures the problem will be solved)? then maybe citizens who spare their
> time and energy commenting and sharing ideas/solutions for free should stop
> doing so.
> The people who decided to sollicit foreign expertise for the .mu problem
> should plainly say they don't understand DNS. We can understand that.
> Mauritius spending Rs 13 M on this issue will make us (IT Professionals at
> every level) look ridiculous and I am once again strongly opposing this. We
> have already been turned into a joke with the various .mu mishaps, along
> with the Government Web Portal saga of last year. Can the industry afford
> more humiliation?
Far too many mistakes have already been done using the current approaches
that the Maurtius government has attempted in the past.
They are trying again, with the same approach. This won't work (again). I
would go further, and state that some stake holders should leave executive
matters to others who *can* bring results.
> >
> > I don't think that .mu needs gold-platted DNS name servers. A non-profit
> > should not waste other people's money. That may happen if the members do
> > not ask whether the financial decisions of the non-profit are good
> > decisions.
> >
> I recall having mentioned in a previous email that if the current registry
> says the .mu domain name costs higher because of hosting, management & all,
> then something is wrong somewhere.
> Regards,
> ?
> Ish Sookun
> *- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Wed Mar 18 2015 - 16:43:41 PST