There are some basic flat files (php) which you can access throuh the
(flash) menu. I also saw WordPress (www.mns.mu/wp/) and SugarCRM (Community
Edition) installed - all on same folder (document root).
Cannot say which one(s) of these was/were to compromise the website. There
is also some config issues (htaccess ?) - You can access the homepage using
any path starting with a tilde; for example:
Nadim Attari
On 8 March 2015 at 18:21, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> Hello,
> A friend alerted me of some suspicious files he found on mns.mu. I had a
> look and blogged about the same :
> http://hacklog.in/infected-files-on-mauritius-network-services-website
> What's your opinion on the type of files present on the server?
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> *- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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> *https://twitter.com/IshSookun <https://twitter.com/IshSookun> ^^ Do you
> tweet?*
Received on Sun Mar 08 2015 - 17:19:58 PST