OpenSSH for your company

From: Loganaden Velvindron <>
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2015 09:18:57 +0000

Hi guys,

A number of Open Source projects have endorsed OpenBSD's call for
funding for 2015.

I would like to once again, make a call to fund us for 2015. In case
you are not aware, OpenSSH is developed by OpenBSD, and is the "ssh"
you use on your Linux servers.

If companies are interested to see ssh improving, then, please
consider donating. In exchange, I can offer technical tutorial on the
latest improvements and features that we have in OpenSSH for your
staff. Please speak to your boss/manager if you're interested.

(URL for donation:

This may allow your company to get a tax-break through your donation.

(In case you're wondering who I am: My name is Logan, and I am one of
the developers of OpenSSH and LibreSSL.)

Kind regards,

This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Sun Mar 01 2015 - 09:19:12 PST

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